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Join threads


You can connect as many actions as you want to the same OUT port, so you can create that many threads. Once a new thread is created each thread has it's own flow.

Also you might want to join that threads in a common flow, that's where the Join threads actions enters. If you want to converge two or more threads into a common path again you can use this action.

Keep in mind that Join threads action will wait for all of the affected threads to finish their execution path and will end up with a single thread.

Variables and threads

As said before in the Parallel Execution documentation, once all threads have been joined, we can reach the variables located on the execution path it has inherited from, but if any variable has the same name, the variable will contain the value of the last finished thread that reached Join threads action.

Remember that once the execution flow reaches this action's point, if all parallel threads are joined, it will end up with a single thread.