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AWS Provider


In order to use the AWS actions you must provide authentication credentials. You'll also have to set the default region.

There are several ways of doing both things, and they all will be very familiar if you've already used other tools that interact with AWS's API.

Environment variables

The first method for providing authentication credentials is by using the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, or AWS_SESSION_TOKEN.

The environment variable AWS_DEFAULT_REGION can be used to set the default region.

For more information visit AWS's documentation about static credentials.

Configuration file

The second method for providing authentication credentials is by using AWS's shared config and credentials files. The path of these files depends on your OS ( for more information visit AWS's documentation about file location ).

You can set a default profile using the [default] section, or you can set multiple profiles and use them by setting the AWS_PROFILE environment variable to the desired profile's name. For more information visit AWS's documentation about shared config and credentials files.